Universal Robots (UR) Operator Hands On Training

Programme Details

Programme Title:                                                       Universal Robots (UR) Operator Hands On                     

Duration (min):                                                           2 days

Duration (max):                                                          5 days

Learning Outcomes:                                                 

The Universal Robots Operator Hand-On Training gives the learner the opportunity to learn the basics on the practical use of cobots. The training teaches everything required for day-to-day use.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Basics of cobots
  • The technical hardware design of the robot
  • The way around the user interface and be able to load and run existing programs
  • Make small program changes
  • Be able to assess and respond correctly to simple error messages

No programming experience is required prior to undertake this course.


Programme Aim:

Provide the learner with the basics of cobots in order to be able to carry out basic day to day tasks on a cobot with ease.

Modules Include:

Module 0: Online Academy

This module gives an introduction to the course (online).


  • Introduction to the user interface
  • Getting to know the basic commands


Module 1: Hardware

This module sets out to familiarise the learner with the cobot hardware –  how to assemble the robot and what types of robots there are.


  • Getting to know the robot hardware
  • Assembly of the robot


Module 2: Switching On and Initialisation

This module allows the learner to become familiar with the technical basics of the cobot and the first steps on a real robot – how to switch on and initialise the cobot. The learner will be given practical solutions on how to retract the cobot before it is fully switched on.


  • Correct switching on and initialisation of the cobot
  • Retraction before full switch-on


Module 3: Tool Setup

This module allows the learner to mount a tool (depending on the application) on the robot – how such tools are set up and how the robot’s assistants help with this.


  • Application of the assistant
  • Correct setting of tool data


Module 4: Movement And Retraction

This module allows the learner to learn about the different types of movement of the robot and how it can be retracted in the event of an impending collision.


  • Move the robot
  • Get a feel for the robot


Module 5: Working With Programs

This module allows the learner demonstrate how the respective programs can be created, saved and loaded again showcasing the high flexibility and wide range of tasks of the robot. The learner will also create a simple program on a real robot.


  • Create and save programs
  • Load and run progams


Module 6: Program Modification

This module shows how programs can very in complexity depending on the requirements – learning the commands relevant for a pick-and-place application. The learner will learn how to modify and expand programs previously developed on the course.


  • Control of UR+ products
  • Modify an existing program


Module 7: Modes / User Level

This module demonstrates the difference between the operating modes (automatic and manual) and how to control the robot via the teach pendant or remote control. 


  • Distinguish between modes and user levels and know how to use them correctly.


Module 8: Safety Settings

This module demonstrates the basic safety features and how they affect the robot. This allows the learner to correctly assess the behaviour of the cobot in the production environment.


  • Get to know the safety settings and the effects of the settings
  • Operate a robot that is restricted by its safety settings


Module 9: Error Analysis

This module demonstrates some of the error messages, their cause, as well as the correct remedial measures.


  • Correctly diagnose and assess error messages
  • Initiate the correct measures


Module 10: Support

This module demonstrates the support site content and the wide range of useful information and free downloadable materials to help get the most from the cobot. The focus on this module is on how to act in the event of an error to ensure that the application can get running again as soon as possible.


  • Get to know the support resources
  • Correctly use the support tools
  • Correct procedures in a suppose case


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